
Matt Trewhella

How Jesus
Changed My

Alone. Arrested. In jail.

I was living a life of emptiness, misery, robbery, arson, drugs, and hate. There had to be more to life than what I saw with my eyes. But what was it?

My name is Matt. This is my story.

Testimony Card (front)

My name is Matt. This is my story.

Testimony Card (back)

My name is Matt. This is my story.

What is this place? Is this all there is?

I was seven years old when I first realized that this place called earth abode in darkness.  I remember thinking there has to be more to life than what I see with my eyes.  The vanity of life — its seeming meaninglessness — struck me at a young age.

Many people have this realization.  There is a void.  Man always wants to suppress it with the vanity of life.  Many throw themselves into sexual licentiousness or drug abuse precisely because of this realization.  Rather than search and seek further, they view their conclusion as a fine means to justify their sin.

I knew at a certain point in my life that the devil was real — and if the devil was real, then I knew that God was real, my sin was truly reprehensible, and I was headed to hell.


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Matthew Trewhella is the pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church, a Milwaukee area congregation committed to declaring God’s holy Law and great Salvation to the nations, stirring up one another in love and good works, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace

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Through his research and teaching on the biblical duties of the lower magistrate, Pastor Matt Trewhella discovered and republished the groundbreaking Magdeburg Confession and went on to author the book the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, important works forming the basis of Matt's Defy Tyrants teaching ministry.

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Missionaries to the Preborn is the first Christian mission in America dedicated to the ministry of our preborn neighbor. Since the mission began, six of the eight abortion clinics in Milwaukee have closed down.



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